2025 and counting...
Time to rescue our humanity.

Welcome! May we pour you a cup of tea?

For this is an oasis with a mission, custom-made for we the people to consider, with neighbors near and far, how best to address our humanitarian and planetary crises, how best to solve our increasingly wild and fractious rides around the sun.

We begin with three priorities.

Lynsey Addario
Priority #1
Ending War

So how exactly can humanity end the scourge of war? How do we meet such a seemingly impossible challenge, particularly when the cynic, the terrorist and the fascist will be always among us?

In the words of Nobel Peace Prize recipient, ​​Dag Hammarskjöld, “Our work for peace must begin within the private world of each one of us.”

So THI has collected a century of voices from across the continents, offering insight and inspiration to help us become the generation that ended war.

Nima Sarikhani
Priority #2
Solving Climate Change

One of the most powerful introductions to climate change is David Attenborough's video, linked below. It is as clear about the challenges of Earth's extreme temperatures, massive floods and cataclysmic storms as it is about the many solutions humanity can implement, working together in full cognition of the science,

To help enlighten us on those solutions, THI has collected dozens of inspiring editorial pieces from across the continents -- essays, videos, poetry, music, speeches. We will continue to complement them, as our resources expand, with the most current science and the most persuasive plans of action, such as Project Drawdown.

Priority #3
Saving Democracy

Democracy is a customizing process, not the adoption of a standard package. There is no secret sauce best for every country. As Churchill observed, "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others that have been tried from time to time."

THI is gathering dozens of compelling voices from across the continents, people keenly tuned to how each of us can help preserve the promise and reality of government by the people, of the people, and for the people.

To plant our investigations in the fertile soil of open hearts and curious minds, we have chosen three hundred and thirty of humanity’s most inspiring voices — ancient and current — to guide and encourage us in re-imagining our roles as changemaker for community, country, or planet.

Our Priorities

We offer extensive insight on humankind's most crucial challenges: ending war, solving climate change, and saving democracy.

Our Partners in Positive Change

We shine a light on thirty of this world’s most respected non-profits and their compelling opportunities for each of us to participate immediately in positive change.

Empowering Commencement Speeches

We began curating our popular archive of commencement speeches in 1989, now offering thirty of the most inspirational and empowering voices from the last hundred years -- still keenly relevant today.

Peace Gatherings

The Humanity Initiative's blueprint for Peace Gatherings is designed to expand the understanding that ending war is not only necessary but also utterly possible.
We are in danger of destroying ourselves by our greed and stupidity. We cannot remain looking inwards at ourselves on a small and increasingly polluted and overcrowded planet.
Stephen Hawking

May the insights and inspirations throughout this planetary assembly -- presented on the wings of essays, images, speeches, artwork, film, literature, poetry, and music -- move you to help fan the aspirational breezes of our shared humanity into the winds of change we so urgently need.

Let us together orchestrate a future that works for all sentient beings, a future that empowers succeeding generations with unrestrained kindness, understanding, love, and, not least, deep respect for the enthralling and necessary variety of life on Earth.

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The Humanity Initiative

We urgently need a more profound commitment to working together, with respect and imagination, with kindness and love.

In this online oasis, The Humanity Initiative offers clarity and insight on our most crucial challenges, providing compelling inspiration for each of us to join in fostering a resurgent new voice of humanity.

We do so with the aid of almost 300 brilliant women and men from across the ages and the continents -- cross-referencing their diverse contributions specifically to help in your search for the best way to take action, to discover or re-imagine your personal path into positive change.

The Humanity Initiative is a registered non-profit. We rely on your support to continue our mission of reawakening mankind to its better angels.