Danish Refugee Council  (1956)

Help Danish Refugee Council aid refugees worldwide.

The DRC is working in six countries in the Mid-east. The complexity and depth of aid challenges in Syria is typical of this region: As you drive from Damascus to Aleppo, the brutality of 12 years of conflict is apparent across every little town, or big city, along the way. Almost two weeks following an earthquake that shook communities across northern Syria and southern Türkiye, when you enter the city of Aleppo destruction can be seen everywhere, and people can no longer tell whether this is the doing of the conflict or the earthquake. Today, it is estimated that more than 40,000 people have lost their lives across Türkiye and Syria, and more than 180,000 people have been displaced in Aleppo alone. Tens of thousands of people have now taken to collective shelters and the streets to find safety, while some have returned to their damaged houses because they simply have nowhere else to go.
DRC mobilizes actors to provide free legal aid to people affected by conflict and displacement, thus helping ensure their rights to protection and inclusion, while also increasing the possibilities for them to gain equitable access to markets -- as an important conduit for services, goods, employment, and income.

Core sectors:

We work globally providing support and solutions for refugees and displaced people within five core sectors. Learn more about the five core sectors and our work within each of them.


Economic Recovery

Humanitarian Disarmament and Peacebuilding

Shelter and Settlements
