
In this inspired four-minute PeaceTalks video, ten of our fellow riders on Earth call with clarity and respect for a world of peace. As their words and body language indicate, ending war is not only necessary; it is also possible.

Thank you to Anupah Makood (data analyst), Emmanuel Jal (recording artist and actor), Greg Boyle (social entrepreneur), Estelle Baroung Hughes (educational leader and artist), Lionel Aeschlimann (finance CEO), Aya Mohammed Abdullah (refugee advocate), Diwele Molale Lubi (artistic director and choreographer), Hyung Joon Won (musician and concertmaster), Jihyo Kim (violinist), and Noam Shuster (comedian).


n.b. Here's the video link: We are fixing the connection to the site. Thanks so much for your patience.

Speaker: Ten fellow citizens
Date: April 30th, 2024
Location: Across the continents

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