
Conversations With History: Linus Pauling on peace

"Linus Pauling (born February 28, 1901, Portland, Oregon, U.S.—died August 19, 1994, Big Sur, California) was an American theoretical physical chemist who became the only person to have won two unshared Nobel Prizes. His first prize (1954) was awarded for research into the nature of the chemical bond and its use in elucidating molecular structure; his second (1962) recognized his efforts to ban the testing of nuclear weapons." (from Britannica)

Official biographies offer facts and anecdotes, rarely touching someone's soul -- in the case of Linus Pauling, his incredible contributions to humanity. But you can discover much of his magnificent life and attitude in this video...

Conversations With History: Linus Pauling on peace
Directed by: Harry Kreisler, Institute of International Studies at UC Berkeley.
Date released: January 20th, 1983