
Volunteer with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution's microplastics initiative.

The presence of microplastics and nanoplastics in the oceans is a worldwide concern. WHOI has launched an interdisciplinary research program to understand the fate and impacts of plastics in the marine environment. Our research involves a diverse group of scientists, engineers, students, postdoctoral researchers, and science communicators. We invite you to explore microplastics@whoi.edu and contact any of the team members to inquire about opportunities to become involved in and support our research effort.
WHOI launched a marine microplastics program in 2017, convening an international workshop to identify key knowledge gaps and research questions, while also building a long-term, collaborative, interdisciplinary research program to provide better understanding of microplastics and possible solutions.

About WHOI's Microplastics Initiative

The presence in the ocean of microplastics (MPs) -- small particles of plastic less than 5 mm in size -- has emerged as a major cause for concern around the world. WHOI scientists first identified MPs in coastal and open ocean environments in the 1970s and subsequently contributed to seminal research on the presence of MPs in the North Atlantic subtropical gyre that was published in 2010.

Questions surrounding microplastics in the ocean are inherently complex and cross traditional disciplinary boundaries. As a result, WHOI researchers are working individually and collaboratively to conduct cross-disciplinary research to understand the fate and impacts of marine microplastics and their much smaller cousin, nanoplastics. The research is supported by partners and sponsors that include federal agencies, foundations, and individuals. WHOI scientists and engineers are also providing leadership in the microplastics research field by organizing events and giving presentations to a variety of audiences.


WHOI researchers have multi-disciplinary expertise and capabilities that are being applied to understand microplastics in the ocean:

Analytical chemistry, including Raman and FTIR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry


Isotope geochemistry

Physical oceanographic modeling

Marine microbiology

Molecular toxicology

Global Rivers program

Marine Policy

Additional details can be found associated with individual team members.
