Ashoka  (1980)

Imagine, with Ashoka, a new type of museum, one full of innovations for society.

Our planet is in crisis, and we are responsible for it. We have deluded ourselves into thinking that humans are separate from, and superior to, nature. How do we fundamentally rebalance that relationship? How can our economic systems prioritize creating shared wellbeing on a healthy planet? How can we bring unlikely allies and sceptics on board?
The world is better than we think. In pockets across the globe, humans are pioneering answers to some of the world’s most pressing challenges. Ashoka's "Next Now" identifies, supports and lifts up these examples, and the changemakers behind them, helping people and institutions see and build a radically new future.

The world is better than we think.

In pockets across the globe, humans are pioneering and implementing real-life solutions — answers to some of the world’s most pressing challenges.

Powered by Ashoka, Next Now identifies, supports and lifts up these examples, and the changemakers behind them. From a bird’s eye perspective, we see patterns and frontiers of innovation that show a way to a better future. We weave a community of innovators committed to building it and share our findings and insights with the world – helping people and institutions see and build a radically new future in the following purposes:

New Longevity

For the first time in history, there are more people above 65 years old than there are below five. There isn’t an aspect of our lives and economies that isn’t affected by this Big Shift. How can we maintain purposeful, healthy lives as we age? How do we reverse age segregation and address the loneliness epidemic affecting all generations? How do we reinvent retirement and the value of care work?

Tech for Humanity

More and more aspects of our lives are impacted by technology. How will humanity anticipate, mitigate, and manage the consequences of algorithms, artificial intelligence, robots, and more? How do we ensure tech works for the common good? And empowers everyone? 

Planet & Climate

Our planet is in crisis, and we are responsible for it. We have deluded ourselves into thinking that humans are separate from, and superior to, nature. How do we fundamentally rebalance that relationship? How can our economic systems prioritize creating shared wellbeing on a healthy planet? How can we bring unlikely allies and sceptics on board? 


For most of us, our gender still determines how we grow up, the kinds of jobs we have, who we can love, our health outcomes, and how much power and agency we hold. Yet, patriarchy seems to be on shaky grounds. What will we replace it with? How do we turn its gatekeepers into allies? How do we build a gender equal world, where everyone can be their authentic self? 
