Earth Law Center  (2008)

Help Earth Law Center create a voice for our planet.

Help give voice to the wild.
Be a steward of the Earth. Help us protect it. We speak for an environment that can't speak for itself. Your support pays for a dream team of Earth lawyers to defend Nature in the United States and internationally through cutting edge-legal movements, including the Rights of Nature.

Why Donate to Earth Law Center?

• We work in 40+ countries: in USA/Canada, Latin America, Europe, Africa, and Oceania.

• We are a one-stop shop for helping to write, pass, and enforce Earth-centered laws.

• We work at all levels, from national governments (e.g., Panama) to sovereign Indigenous Peoples to local communities.

• Our innovative, Earth-centered legal models are a game changer for the planet.

• We win: Our team enjoyed 20+ significant legal victories last year alone.
