Oxfam International  (1942)

Oxfam details how Israel is "...inflicting unprecedented suffering and destruction."

Under international humanitarian law, an occupying

power bears significant responsibilities towards the

occupied population, including ensuring protection,

maintaining medical services, and facilitating

humanitarian relief. Despite its responsibilities as an

occupying power, Israel’s policies and practices

continue to systematically and deliberately block and

undermine any meaningful international humanitarian

response in the Gaza Strip.

Author: Oxfam International
Date Published: March 15th, 2024

From Oxfam, March 15,2024:

"Under international humanitarian law, an occupying

power bears significant responsibilities towards the

occupied population, including ensuring protection,

maintaining medical services, and facilitating

humanitarian relief. Despite its responsibilities as an

occupying power, Israel’s policies and practices

continue to systematically and deliberately block and

undermine any meaningful international humanitarian

response in the Gaza Strip.

"A total of 1.7 million Palestinians (75% of the Gaza

population) are at risk of famine, especially in northern

Gaza, which is exacerbated by an overwhelming

majority not having access to clean water and

sanitation, a collapsed health sector, the severing of

power and fuel supplies and the spread of infectious

diseases. The conditions we have observed in Gaza are

beyond catastrophic, and we have not only seen failure

by Israeli authorities to meet their responsibility to

facilitate and support international aid efforts, but in

fact seen active steps being taken to hinder and

undermine such aid efforts...

"Israel’s control of Gaza continues to be characterised

by deliberate restrictive actions that have led to a

severe and systemic dysfunctionality in the delivery of

aid. Humanitarian organisations operational in Gaza

are reporting a worsening situation since the

International Court of Justice imposed provisional

measures in light of the plausible risk of genocide,

with intensified Israeli barriers, restrictions and

attacks against humanitarian personnel. Israel has

maintained a ‘convenient illusion of a response’ in

Gaza to serve its claim that it is allowing aid in and

conducting the war in line with international laws.

Over five months into the Israeli mass atrocities on the

Gaza Strip, in response to the horrific 7 October

attacks by Palestinian armed groups, a meaningful

and safe humanitarian response is made impossible

by the Government of Israel."
