"I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult."

E. B. White (1988 - 1985) American writer

In a world where democratic norms face unprecedented trials, we invite you to peel back the layers, revealing the intricate tapestry of governance, participation, and accountability.

Commencement Speeches

Truth and Indifference

Tom Hanks
Commencement Speeches

We All Breathe the Same Air

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Commencement Speeches

The Imitator Dooms Himself with Hopeless Mediocrity

Ralph Waldo Emerson
Commencement Speeches

Radical Renewal of Human Responsibility

Vaclav Havel
Commencement Speeches

Our Eternal Resilience

William Allen White
Commencement Speeches

Real Freedom?

David Foster Wallace, 1962-2008, American author and professor
Commencement Speeches

Compassionate World Citizenship

Dr. Martha C. Nussbaum
Commencement Speeches

Be True to Yourself

Michelle Obama
Commencement Speeches

Ten Ways to Avoid Mucking Up the World Any Worse Than It Already Is.

Russell Baker (1925 - 2019)
Commencement Speeches

Find What You Love

Steve Jobs
Commencement Speeches

A Left-handed Commencement Address

Ursula K LeGuin
Commencement Speeches

On Learning to Talk

William Howard Gass
Commencement Speeches

Introduction to our commencement archive and top ten speeches.

26 commencement speakers
Commencement Speeches

Be Your Own Story

Toni Morrison
Commencement Speeches

Life is meaningless and absurd

Alan Alda